B-roll nz

March 04, 2016 | 08:24

Crescentino B-roll

Using Novozymes enzymes, Beta Renewables’ biofuels facility in Crescentino, Italy produces 75...

March 04, 2016 | 00:51

Washing at low temperature

March 04, 2016 | 00:25


March 04, 2016 | 02:28

Farming wheat

Wheat harvest in Minnesota, USA

March 04, 2016 | 04:02


Corn, Harvest of corn, wheat, harvest of wheat, soya, innoculants on soya, BioAg

March 04, 2016 | 01:04

Corn cobs

Pile of corn cobs for test production of advanced biofuel at POET, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA.

March 04, 2016 | 02:23

From corn to ethanol

Video following the corn from it arrives at the ethanol plant of POET in Sioux Falls, South...

March 04, 2016 | 01:01

Textile production

Using enzymes in textile production in a textile mill in Corlu, Turkey.

March 04, 2016 | 03:25

Scientist in Beijing laboratory

Scientist doing research in the lab at Novozymes in Beijing, China.

March 04, 2016 | 02:11

Baking in testlab

Baker making bread using Novamyl enzyme in the testlab at Novozymes, Bagsværd, Denmark

March 04, 2016 | 01:36


A wheel loader drives on a pile of bagasse. Bagasse is the crushed left-over biomass from the...

March 04, 2016 | 01:33

Corn fields

Different shots of corn fields outside Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA

March 04, 2016 | 00:54

Doing laundry in USA

Woman doing laundry in basement in Milwaukee, USA.

March 04, 2016 | 02:01

Scientists in laboratory in Denmark

Scientist working in laboratory at Novozymes' corporate headquarters in Bagsværd, Denmark.

March 04, 2016 | 01:15

Scientists in laboratory in Denmark

Scientist working in laboratory at Novozymes' corporate headquarters in Bagsværd, Denmark.