Tagged with baking
Acrylaway® - Reduce acrylamide for healthier food
Starchy foods commonly contain reducing sugars and the amino acid asparagine. When heated, they...
Gluzyme Fortis - The new standard in gluten...
Long supply chains, warm storage temperature and tough climatic conditions can impact your...
Новозаймс Новамил® - 30 лет на рынке и никогда...
Благодаря нашим клиентам Новозаймс Новамил® за последние 30 лет спас много батонов хлеба от...
Novozymes Novamyl® - 30 years and never been...
Thanks to our customers, Novozymes Novamyl® has over the last 30 years saved a lot of loaves of...
Новамил® 3Д
Продлите свежесть вашего хлеба!
Novozymes - Enzymes in Baking - Russian
Novozymes - Enzymes in Baking - Russian
Novamyl® - Pure magic
Wouldn’t it be magic if bread could hold its shape and freshness over time? Behold -The power of...
Voxpop: Millennials on bread
We asked Millennials a series of questions related to bread Among age categories, Millennials...
How baking freshness enzymes work
What causes bread to go stale, and how can enzymes slow that process down? Watch the 2-minute...
How do consumers evaluate bread?
At Novozymes we’ve identified three important parameters: softness, elasticity, and moistness....
How Acrylaway® Works
Acrylamide forms when starchy foods are baked or fried at high temperatures with little moisture,...
Lower Acrylamide with Novozymes Acrylaway®
To comply with increasing regulation and protect brands, an easy-to-implement way to lower...
Why is acrylamide formed and how Novonesis...
Acrylamide is a chemical compound that is naturally formed in some foods when they are baked,...
Fighting Against Food Waste (Japanese subtitles)
Huge amount of food are thrown out every day. A lot is bread that has gone stale. With enzymes we...
Soft and Fresh Cakes with OptiCake®
The freshness perception is what makes a great packaged cake or muffin. Novozymes OptiCake®...