Biosolutions TV
Introducing Pristine® Chinese
Every one of us has experienced clothing that turns smelly, dingy, or dirty over time. It's an...
Achieve Shine 100 L Fully upgraded power; A new...
With superior cleaning power, Achieve Shine 100L can quickly disintegrate stubborn starch stains,...
Achieve Shine 100 L 净力全升级,洁出新高度 Fully upgraded...
Achieve Shine 100 L 食品级淀粉酶分子能快速瓦解顽固淀粉污渍;缩短浸泡时间,减少擦洗次数;省时省力,释放消费者更多时间和精力陪伴家人,追寻梦想。 With superior...
Enzymes and microbes for recirculating...
Improve biosecurity and biofilter efficiency with Novozymes BioRas® for faster and more...
Expect More in Oils & Fats processing 在油脂加工过程中期待更多
At Novozymes, we believe only by breaking through the status quo is it possible to transform...
Прислушайтесь к мнению экспертов отрасли
Посмотрите видео, в котором профессор Ирина Матвеева и Роман Калинин из Ватель Консалтинг...